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Car Wash Tokens and Token Cleaners

Tokens for car washes

Tokens are a great way to increase profits at your car wash. Choose from specifications such as size, alloy, quantity and design. You can even customize tokens with your preferred design to promote your business and add security. Token usage is known to increase walkaway profit, prevent theft, save money and decrease the hassle of handling coins. Purchasing a token cleaner helps keep them freshly polished for the next customer, as well as cut down on machine jamming and failed transactions.

Why Should You Use Car Wash Tokens?

  • Immediate and Increased Sales: When you sell a token, it’s an immediate sale. The token is the sale, not a specific service. Customers also tend to buy tokens more freely than just purchasing services.
  • Security: Tokens are set you your business and less likely to be targeted for theft as they’re useless elsewhere. The means less loss of funds and less equipment damage.
  • Cash Control: Less movement means fewer hands touch actual cash (limit employee theft).
  • Flexibility: The ease of changing token value allows for new and more creative promotions.
  • Promotion and Marketing Opportunity: Tokens can be customized with your wash name and logo.
  • Lost Token Profitability: Whether kept as a souvenir or simply lost, you’ve already made money from that token.

Learn more about tokens and the coin shortage in our "Short Circuit the Coin Shortage" blog post.
